Once considered a branch of accounting, treasury is now seen as a distinct specialty with its own career path. Treasurers are the ultimate processors: they must absorb as much good information as possible and make informed decisions that directly affect the company's performance.

25 May 2022 • FED Finance • 4 min

Today, the experts at Fed Finance reveal everything you need to know about the treasurer profession.

Skills and qualifications for a treasurer

A treasurer is not only a good accountant, but also a financial decision-maker with a lot of responsibility. They must develop a keen eye for detail while keeping their other eye on the bigger picture to address the organization’s financial issues. They are a supervisor, advisor and, especially when large amounts of investment capital are involved, sometimes a financial planner for the entire organization.

Being a treasurer requires many different skills, such as investment management, organizational leadership and technical accounting knowledge. It's a unique role, but one that today's medium and large companies simply can't do without.

Responsibilities and job description

Typically, a corporate treasurer deals with investments and the risks associated with investments. Some are involved in all short and long-term business plans, including merger and acquisition (M&A) activities.

The treasurer holds a critical, albeit sometimes difficult, position in a company. Corporate treasurers are responsible for identifying and managing risks in conjunction with auditors and developing policies, but they must also coordinate with chartered accountants and other specialists to monitor those policies and mitigate those risks.

Historically a technical and analytical role, the treasurer's job has evolved and is increasingly becoming a strategic decision maker. While former treasurers were content to keep a close eye on key financial ratios, today's treasurers must understand macroeconomics, business methods and risk prevention.

In a large company, the treasurer works closely with the CFO and other key analysts. They may consult with lawyers or compliance officers. It may also be necessary for the treasurer to inform different levels of management of new policies. This involves developing interpersonal skills and working collaboratively with all staff.

The path and training to become a treasurer

The path to treasury mastery begins with a bachelor's degree. Even the lowest-end treasurer positions require a bachelor's degree, and it's best to specialize in a field such as accounting (with a certificate in general accounting, for example), economics, institutional finance or business administration.

After that, work experience in the financial industry is recommended. Others may pursue public or private sector jobs in accounting, analysis, or investment-oriented fields.

Some may obtain professional certifications, such as the Treasury Professional (CTP) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certifications. These certifications are rarely required for a position, but they look good on a finance CV and the CTP should help those with atypical starting points.

Treasurers need a mix of technical expertise and management skills. Most work in management roles before rising to more senior treasurer positions, even if they are just senior accountants or team leaders.

Treasurer career prospects

Many treasurers hope to advance to executive positions (and executive salaries), such as CFO or tax manager. Unfortunately, many professional financial experts end up in treasurer positions due to a perceived lack of social or management skills. If the company doesn't feel comfortable putting their treasurer in front of customers or shareholders, the treasurer can get stuck with no room to grow.

CEOs and presidents want to experience cross-functional management, since senior finance positions have to oversee many different teams in many different departments. Ambitious treasurers benefit greatly from focusing just as much on their soft skills (including communication and leadership) as on their technical prowess.

<H2> Trust Fed Finance for your job search

Now that you know what a treasurer's job is and what its role entails, perhaps you would like to find a position in this field? If the answer is yes and you are interested in the finance sector, we invite you to contact us now and discover all our job offers.

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