There are dozens of professions in the accounting field. However, it is not always easy to navigate through the range of general training courses that lead to a given job. Today, we address the certificate in general accounting and the employment opportunities that a candidate can expect after graduation.

05 August 2019 • FED Finance • 2 min

What is the certificate in general accounting?

There are many jobs in accounting and the Accounting Certificate is one of several university-level programs that enable you to work in the field. It is a general education program that includes 30 credits for undergraduate studies. Many universities in Quebec offer this program.

This program aims to introduce the student to the theories and practices of public accounting management. People who are already working in the field or who want to work in the field make up the majority of the student population.

This academic background allows the student to understand the role of accounting data in achieving an organization's goals. Over the course of their studies, candidates in this program acquire management knowledge and skills and develop the necessary capabilities to apply an accounting system in a variety of small and medium sized organizations.

A little more about this study program

The certificate in general accounting partially meets the requirements of the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA). Obtaining a certificate in general accounting does not make you a CPA. However, it can be incorporated, in whole or in part, into a bachelor's degree in business administration or a Bachelor's degree in public accounting as well as a multidisciplinary bachelor's degree. To obtain the CPA designation, the candidate must then register for the certificate of access to the accounting profession to complete the undergraduate program required for access to the D.E.S.S. in Accounting or the non-credited CPA Canada Professional Education Program (PEP).

Job opportunities for this accounting certificate

So, what are the possible opportunities for a student who has just completed this certificate? Several jobs are available to new graduates. In particular, these include the positions of accounting or invoicing clerk. You can also work as an Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Taxation or Budget Clerk. Other jobs such as cost recovery or collection clerk are also part of the career prospects. These functions are only a sample and some special considerations may apply. To find out about all the jobs in accounting, you can easily ask a recruitment firm that specializes in finance and accounting.

Find a job after your certificate in general accounting

In short, the general accounting certificate is intended for people who want to work in accounting or management in a small or medium-sized business. While it does not automatically lead to the CPA title, it allows a candidate to play an essential role in a company: ensuring the organization's financial health. After this program, a student can simply enter the labour market or pursue more specialized studies.

For more information or to get a job in accounting or finance, contact Fed Finance.