Have you decided to leave your job and reorient your career or are you looking for a new contract because your last assignment is over? Whatever the reason, if you have free time between jobs, you should use it wisely.

Here are some ways to make the most of your free time when you are between two accounting jobs.

17 June 2019 • FED Finance • 2 min

Reassess your career goals

Before embarking on a new adventure, why not use your free time to review your current situation, visualize your dream job and plan your new professional life? You may want to move on to a different career by moving from one branch of accounting to another. You may also want to take on new challenges and assume more responsibility.

If you already have a job in mind, you should determine the salary you would like to receive and the schedule and benefits that would convince you to accept the new position.

Start your job search

If you are looking for a new job, start by coldly evaluating your resume and updating it to reflect your new career goals and the companies you would like to work for. Next, go online and start browsing job boards and social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook to see if you can find an offer that meets your aspirations. If your search is unsuccessful, you can send an unsolicited application to companies that you are interested in. Finally, you can also ask for the help of a professional recruitment agency that specializes in accounting and finance.

Spend time developing some skills

The free time available between jobs can also be used to develop certain skills that will make you an even more valuable candidate for employers. For example, you could take the required training to become a CPA. You could also improve your knowledge of some accounting software that is increasingly being used in many areas of finance and accounting. In short, investing in yourself is always a profitable choice.

Accept a temporary position in accounting

If you are looking for a job, but still want to earn some money or try something new, consider taking a temporary accounting position. A situation you thought was temporary could even help you discover a new passion or become a stepping stone to your dream job.

Find a job in accounting quickly with Fed Finance

In conclusion, although you will certainly want to take some time to rest and recharge your batteries between jobs, you can still make the most of your free time so that your next job is even more rewarding than the last one.

Moreover, if you are looking for a position in the field of accounting and finance, Fed Finance is here to support you in your job search. Since 2001, our team has been providing high quality placement services to candidates. Contact us now!