After a few years in the same position in an organization, an employee can often experience dissatisfaction. Lack of motivation and the impression of not reaching one's full potential are some of the factors that can lead someone to want to pursue new professional horizons. Then comes the fateful question: which path should you take?

There are several factors that make the financial sector a preferred option for professional retraining. However, you should be well informed on the subject before embarking on this new adventure. 

19 June 2019 • FED Finance • 2 min

Do you need to study finance to work in the sector?

Finance can sometimes appear to be a restricted sector, especially because of the lengthy academic training required for some positions in this field. For example, if you want to become an accountant, you may need to upgrade your knowledge by joining a study program.

However, you may not need to start your school career from the beginning. First and foremost, you should carefully analyze your current skills and the experience you have acquired in your career to date. Have you ever been in charge of managing a store? Was your job related to accounting or treasury? Your experience may be an asset for a position in the banking sector.

If you have any doubts about the value of your diplomas and experiences in a career shift to finance, you can always get the help of a consultant. An expert can guide you in your approach and your search.

Finance: a high demand sector for candidates

With the unemployment rate at its lowest level since the 1960s, we are experiencing a general labour shortage in Quebec. Many baby boomers are retiring and leaving their positions vacant. Moreover, finance is strongly affected by this shortfall of workers, which makes it a very attractive sector for job seekers.

While this shortage can also be explained by the lack of properly trained candidates, many positions requiring lower levels of education also remain vacant. In short, there are opportunities for all types of candidates, from the most qualified to the trainee.

Many career prospects in the financial sector

Employment opportunities in finance are as numerous as they are diverse: from bank clerks to chartered accountants and financial analysts, this sector offers many career prospects. You therefore need to have an idea about the direction you want to take. This can be done by consulting the available job offers. This will give you a good picture of the labour market in the sector.

Lastly, remember that no decision is final and that you can always progress within your field. Finance offers a wide range of professional opportunities, each with its own advantages. For example, if you become a bank employee, there is nothing to stop you from reorienting yourself towards a career as an accountant or starting your own fintech business.

Boost your professional career retraining with Fed Finance

In conclusion, with this new information in hand, you are now better equipped to make an informed decision about your professional future.

If you feel ready to take the big leap and join the financial sector, do it in the best way possible: with the support of FedFinance recruiters. We look forward to receiving your application today!