The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many finance companies to start working from home. It greatly impacted the way in which businesses recruit new employees. Since the pandemic, many businesses now conduct their job interviews via video calls.

16 June 2022 • FED Finance • 7 min

Is the remote recruitment process different to a physical job interview? What factors contribute to a successful video interview? What do you need to consider in order to land the finance job of your dreams?

In this article, discover all the top tips of our finance recruiters so that you are well prepared for your next video job interview.

Prepare for video interviews like an in-person interview

Other than the fact that they are done via a video call, remote interviews are not that different from those carried out in-person. The recruiter will expect the same things, will ask you the same questions and will speak to you in the same way as they would if you were sitting in front of them.

As a candidate for a finance job, you need to be just as prepared for a remote interview as you would be for a physical one. You should have a good understanding of the company, its values, its aims and what the job you’re applying for entails. Research the company well in advance of the interview, so that you’ll be ready to respond to all of the employer’s questions.

For example, if you are applying for an accounting position, a managerial role or for an assistant treasurer position, educate yourself about the strengths, expertise and recent performance of that accounting firm, finance business or recruitment agency.  Use this information to your advantage by explaining what you could bring to their business if they hire you. In addition to demonstrating your ability to fulfill the position, this will show the recruiter that you are motivated.

To better prepare for a video interview, you can also use our job placement service. Our consultants are always on hand to give you excellent advice so that you feel more comfortable tackling a remote job interview.

Test your devices before the video interview

Video interviews can be really handy, especially during a pandemic when travelling to meet each other is not an option.

However, video interviews heavily depend on your computers working well. If you experience a network or hardware failure, the interview could be delayed, postponed, or even cancelled. This inconvenience can then affect both the candidate and the employer and end up jeopardizing your chances of being recruited.

To avoid this type of situation from happening, you should test your computer and videoconference platforms a few times before the interview to make sure everything works well. Feel free to ask the employer which videoconference platform they will be using to make sure it is compatible with your computer (Skype, Zoom, etc.). Download the software, create an account and test it before the interview day.

You could also do a practice call with a friend to make sure that your WiFi connection, webcam and microphone work well.

Think about your video interview background

You do not need to worry about what is behind or around you during a physical interview, but this is not the case for video interviews. If you want to make a good impression on your recruiter, you should consider your surroundings. This means setting up the room where you’ll be on the interview day.

For instance, seeing a dirty room in the background of your screen will come across far less professional than a neutral or tidy background.

Try to set yourself up somewhere where your background will be purely composed of a solid colour wall.  Remove any objects from your sight that could distract your recruiter. Avoid dim lighting so that your facial expressions are clear. Make sure there’s nothing unnecessary on display so you can be completely focused on the conversation. It also helps to confine your pets for the duration of the interview, so they don’t distract you.

Finally, make sure to deactivate any computer or phone notifications. The recruiter must feel that you are giving them your full attention.

Be at your best during a video interview

The fact that the interview is done from the comfort of your own home does not mean that you can neglect your outfit. As a finance candidate , you should be dressed professionally to stand out from your competitors. The dress code should remain exactly the same as it would for a physical interview.

Evidently, your physical appearance isn’t enough to succeed in a remote job interview alone. You should also pay particular attention to what you say as well as your nonverbal communication. Sometimes it’s not obvious how to approach this style of interview and it’s easy to fall into the trap of slacking off. Nevertheless, whether it’s for a finance or an accountancy position, the recruiter will always be looking at your outfit as well as how you interact.

Moreover, considering that you will be speaking through a microphone during a video interview, make sure to articulate well and slow down your speech so that the interviewer can hear you clearly. You should also look towards your computer camera and not your screen when speaking to your interviewer. This will show that you are engaged in the conversation.

Finally, as with a physical job interview, try to control your body language.

Don’t miss a trick during your video interview

One of the advantages of video interviews is that you can have any document you might need at arm’s reach. Make sure to keep your CV, cover letter and the detailed job offer on your desk. You should also have a notepad and pen with you to take notes during the interview.

You can also prepare a checklist to remind you to mention specific information or not to forget to ask your interviewer certain questions. However, be careful not to get lost in all these resources and stay focused on the person you are talking to. Having too many notes lying around can have the opposite effect and make you lose your train of thought.

Show your interest in the position during the video interview

The recruiter or employer usually leads the conversation during job interviews. However, this does not mean that you should remain passive and never intervene. If a question about the job comes to mind, feel free to ask it. During a video call, you must be an active, dynamic and receptive listener. This will show the recruiter that you are interested.

Just like in a physical interview, you must be proactive. If you have anything that comes to mind during the conversation, write it in your notepad to make sure to bring it up later. Make sure that the employer is interested in what you are saying. Spark their curiosity so that they want to continue the interview.

At the end of the interview, since you cannot simply shake their hand, thank the interviewer for their time and leave the call. Make sure to send an effective follow-up email to further show your interest in the position.

Stand out during your video interview with Fed Finance!

In conclusion, a video interview is not that different from a physical interview. So that it goes well, you need to be well prepared, be at your best even through a screen and make sure that your computer and video platform work.

Would you like more advice for a successful job interview? At Fed Finance, we help finance and accounting candidates land their dream job. If you are looking for finance jobs in Montreal, you've come to the right place.