A quality control technician plays an essential role in industrial production by checking that products meet quality and safety standards. This job requires advanced technical skills, precision and an excellent ability to observe.

26 April 2023 • FED Manutech • 4 min

At the Fed Engineering recruitment agency, we often help quality control technicians find employment. Let's take a closer look at this important job!

What does a quality control technician do?

A quality control technician is responsible for ensuring that products meet quality and safety standards.

They work closely with production teams to test and analyze finished products and raw materials, and to verify manufacturing processes.

Regardless of the sector in which they work, a laboratory technician will have to:

  • Test and analyze raw materials and finished products to ensure they meet quality and safety standards
  • Perform regular checks on production processes to identify deviations
  • Write analysis reports and quality control sheets
  • Participate in the development of test and analysis protocols to ensure product quality
  • Identify causes of quality deviations and propose corrective actions
  • Ensure product traceability and management of instances of non-conformity
  • Maintain equipment necessary for quality control.

A quality control technician may also be responsible for evaluating and processing customer complaints and making subsequent recommendations.

Food quality control technician

A food quality control technician is one of many jobs available in the food industry. This type of technician focuses mainly on food processing laws and needs a knowledge of microbiology.

Knowledge of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) and SQF (Safe Quality Food) standards is also often required.

Pharmaceutical quality control technician

The pharmaceutical industry could not thrive without a quality assurance department. Pharmaceutical quality control technicians ensure that inspection, testing and verification have been performed accurately for pharmaceutical products. The quality assurance department is involved during the production of drugs, medicines and other pharmaceutical products.

A pharmaceutical quality control technician must be aware of Health Canada regulations and all laws concerning regulated drugs and substances. This job requires a vast knowledge of relevant standards and norms.

Quality control technician working conditions

A quality control technician generally works day shifts, but may be required to work staggered hours depending on the needs of the business. They have to meet deadlines and work efficiently to avoid delays in production.

Work is mainly done in the laboratory, but may also require travel to the production site. The job requires a lot of standing, special clothing, and working in a busy environment that can sometimes be stressful due to constant noise and the activities of different production teams.

Quality control technician skills

Becoming a quality control technician means acquiring extensive knowledge as this profession involves both control and revision. You must be able to detect any anomaly or non-compliance with laws, standards and regulations related to your sector of production. A quality control lab technician needs:

  • Thorough knowledge of quality control techniques and regulatory standards
  • Statistical analysis and problem solving skills
  • Ability to work as a team and communicate effectively with various stakeholders in the company
  • Thoroughness and attention to detail to ensure product quality
  • Proficiency in computer tools and quality management software.

A quality control technician must be able to prioritize tasks, resist pressure and be comfortable supporting a team as their authority on product and production quality.

Quality control technician training

In Quebec, a laboratory technician can become qualified through in-house training. However, a college diploma in life sciences, chemistry, engineering or any other relevant field related to the target sector is recommended.

A bachelor's degree in chemistry or biology is also a real asset.

Quality control technician salary

The salary of a quality control technician varies with experience. According to our sources, it is generally between $50,000 and $75,000 gross annually, across all sectors. For people just entering the profession, it can be slightly lower ($45,000).

Become a quality control technician with Fed Manutech

At Fed Manutech, we employ quality control laboratory technicians in various fields. Since we specialize in recruiting for the technical, industrial and engineering sectors, we understand your concerns and can help you find what you’re looking for.

Are you looking for a job as a chemistry laboratory technician? Send us a spontaneous application. We would be delighted to help you take the next step in your career!