Customer service requires a certain amount of communication expertise, which you need to bring out in your job interview.

27 June 2023 • FED Supply • 7 min

If you're seeking a customer service job, Fed Supply offers valuable tips for your job interview, emphasizing the importance of showcasing your communication skills.

Why do you like customer service?

While we cannot provide a definitive answer, we can offer some guidance. It is advisable to contemplate this question beforehand, as individuals may have varying responses.

Are you drawn to working in customer service due to your enjoyment of interacting with people? Is it driven by your desire to assist others, to spread positivity, or to provide customers with a truly satisfying experience?

Regardless of your specific reasons, it is crucial to highlight your enthusiasm for the industry as it is a quality that recruiters find appealing. A person who exudes enthusiasm for their job radiates positive energy, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

What are the qualities of good customer service?

It is crucial to show off your skills in an interview. This particular question provides an excellent opportunity to do so. Begin by emphasizing the significance of clear and concise communication skills. Customer service professionals must possess the ability to actively listen to customers, ask relevant questions to grasp their requirements, and convey information effectively.

Furthermore, stress your capacity to empathize with customers and understand their emotions and concerns. Explain how empathy enables you to establish an emotional connection with customers, providing reassurance and support, especially in challenging situations. Illustrate your dedication to prioritizing the customer's needs above all else. Highlight your motivation for customer satisfaction and willingness to exceed their expectations by offering tailored solutions.

To assist you further, we have compiled a comprehensive article that delves into the essential qualities of exceptional customer service. It should prove invaluable to you during your preparation for the interview.

How do you deal with an angry customer?

When encountering an upset customer, it is crucial for a customer service agent to respond in a manner that positively impacts the company. Begin by explaining your approach of greeting the upset customer warmly and empathetically. Highlight the significance of recognizing and validating the customer's emotions, demonstrating your understanding of their concerns.

Moreover, emphasize your ability to remain calm and focused on resolving the customer's problem. Convey to the recruiter that you can maintain composure and professionalism, even when faced with an angry customer. This is an opportune time to discuss your adeptness at handling tense situations diplomatically, showcasing your ability to keep a level head. Your ultimate goal is to transform the negative encounter into a positive experience for the customer.

By highlighting your skills in empathetic communication, remaining composed, and defusing tense situations, you demonstrate your capacity to effectively handle challenging customer interactions and contribute to the overall success of the company.

What you can say

"When I encounter an upset customer, my first instinct is to greet them with empathy and understanding. I take the time to really listen and acknowledge their emotions, so they know I care and that their concerns matter.

Once I understand what's bothering them, my focus shifts to finding a solution. I ask them more questions to get all the necessary details and then work together with them to come up with a fix. I make sure to explain the steps I'll take to resolve the problem, so they feel informed and confident in the process.

I always keep in mind that customer anger usually comes from frustration or disappointment, so I don't take it personally. It's important for me to maintain a respectful and polite tone while working with the customer to find a resolution that satisfies them."

What would be your approach when faced with a customer's question to which you don't know the answer?

Highlight the importance of transparency and avoiding the presumption of competence. Discuss the value of honesty and demonstrate your willingness to swiftly address the situation in a positive manner.

Explain your strategy for handling such instances by emphasizing your commitment to finding a solution promptly. Describe your ability to reach out to competent colleagues or utilize internal resources to gather the required information swiftly. By leveraging these resources, you can ensure that the customer's question is addressed effectively and efficiently.

What you can say

“If a customer asks me a question and I don't have the answer, I believe in being honest with them. I would politely explain that I'm not entirely sure about the answer, but I'll put in my best effort to find it for them.

In that situation, I would kindly ask the customer to give me a moment to track down the information they need. I would reach out to my colleagues or check our internal resources to quickly gather the necessary details. Once I have the answer, I would make it a priority to get back to the customer as soon as possible. However, if I can't find the answer right away, I assure the customer that I'll follow up promptly to provide them with the information they're looking for.”

Other questions that can be asked during a customer service interview

Here are some questions that may come up during an interview. It's important to take the time to reflect on them and match your skills with each question, so you can provide personalized and thoughtful answers.

  • When faced with urgent or pressing customer requests, how do you handle them?
  • How do you ensure customer satisfaction while adhering to company policies?
  • In what ways do you utilize non-verbal communication to establish a trusting relationship with customers?
  • How do you navigate situations where you are unable to immediately fulfill a customer's request?
  • How do you manage situations where you have a disagreement with a customer but still need to provide service?
  • Can you explain your approach to handling confidential customer data?
  • When faced with stressful situations involving customers, how do you maintain your composure and professionalism?
  • Do you possess any language skills that could be valuable in customer service, such as fluency in another language?
  • How do you leverage technological tools and software to enhance your efficiency in customer service?
  • Share a time when you received positive feedback from a customer.
  • How do you personally measure your success in customer service?

Remember to consider each question carefully, drawing from your experiences and skills to provide well-rounded and authentic responses during the interview.

Get your next job interview with Fed Supply!

To be well-prepared for your interview, it's important to conduct thorough research and continuously expand your knowledge of the customer service industry. Additionally, refine your professional profile to showcase your strengths and qualifications.

At Fed Supply, our customer service staffing agency, we specialize in assisting candidates throughout the hiring process, offering interview guidance and valuable advice. If our current job offers do not align with your preferences, we encourage you to submit an unsolicited application. We are always open to considering talented individuals who may be a good fit for future opportunities.