In an economic context governed by a multitude of supply chains, logistics is gaining more importance every day. As a true foundation of the Quebec economy, it brings together more than a hundred thousand workers and generates a GDP of several billion dollars according to the government.

25 January 2023 • FED Supply • 4 min

Fed Supply, a recruitment agency for transport and logistics jobs, gives you 6 good reasons to work in this attractive field.

1. Your level of education doesn't matter

When it comes to logistics, recruiters and company managers know that your educational background and level of training are of little importance for many of the industry's jobs. Indeed, this is a field that requires above all skills and qualities that can be acquired through your career.

We can mention in particular:

  • Good knowledge of computers for the manipulation of software;
  • Good sense of organization;
  • Willingness to work in a team;
  • Essential rigour to remain attentive to every detail.

If you are at the start of your career or in the process of reconversion, rely on your skills and highlight them to recruiters. The logistics sector in Quebec is in demand and you can quickly land a job.

2. The career choice is very wide

Logistics jobs are varied and involve different sectors. Any business related to the production and delivery of goods requires a logistics department.

As a component of the supply chain, logistics is linked to other sectors, such as import-export, customer service and transportation. If you work in a warehouse and would like to move into a transportation or a customer service job one day, your experience will be a strong asset in understanding future issues.

3. An industry in constant recruitment

Given the importance of the supply chain, the logistics industry is constantly recruiting. Logistics missions are essential: companies cannot improve and optimize the process of routing goods, goods consumed on a daily basis, without it.

Whether in Quebec or even internationally, working in logistics opens up a wide range of possibilities. If it is in your plans to work abroad one day, this sector is perfectly suited for this life-changing perspective.

4. You can evolve quickly

The indisputable advantage of the supply chain, and logistics in particular, is that it's entirely possible to start out with a job that's accessible to anyone, a job with no particular qualifications, and work your way up. Many people have started at the bottom of the ladder and have gone on to become a logistics director or other management position.

This requires, as in everything, effort and determination. But the experience you gain is highly valued in logistics, since it is the knowledge of your own supply chain that will enable you to manage it better and gain the confidence of your employer to do so.

5. Teamwork is important

It may sound strange to cite teamwork as an important reason to work in logistics, but this industry really allows you to enjoy the results of joint efforts.

Generally, teams in logistics stick together, are tight-knit, and this both promotes the well-being of each team member but also develops interpersonal skills that will always be useful to you, whether at work or in your personal life.

6. Energizing and rewarding jobs

Many of the jobs in logistics are physical and allow you to perform many different tasks. These are often challenging jobs, where you can be on the go and feel truly useful.

Also, you can choose to maximize your hours. It is often possible to work nights or weekends if you wish. This increases your income and allows you to achieve a higher level of financial stability.

How can you work in logistics as part of a career transition?

Find out about the job opportunities available on the net and contact a logistics recruitment agency. Specialized in the sector, they are the best to guide you in your job search.

If we mention that it is not necessary to have some training for many jobs in logistics, it is different for some more qualified jobs in the sector. The Ministry of the Economy lists the main training courses in Quebec that could be useful if you want to train. If you have the time and a little money to spare, it's always a plus that you can put forward in your CV and during your job interview.

Fed Supply supports you in your career plan in logistics and transportation

Fed Supply is a logistics recruitment agency composed exclusively of experts in the sector. We are at your entire disposal to help you integrate exciting sector, full of opportunities and experiences.

Contact us now or submit your spontaneous application if you want to get your future job in logistics or in another sector of the supply chain!