Have you been looking for a job for several weeks or months without finding anything appealing?

Why wait for the perfect opportunity to present itself when you can be proactive?

04 April 2022 • FED Group • 3 min

In this article, find out how to write and submit a spontaneous application in a way that gives you the best chance of landing an unexpected job interview.

Do spontaneous applications actually work?

It’s common to wonder whether spontaneous applications ever amount to anything. This is a completely valid question, because people who are looking for a job don’t want to spend time on applications that won’t get them anywhere.

In short, the answer is yes—spontaneous applications can be useful if they are done correctly.

For spontaneous applications to be effective, you need to be proactive throughout the process to avoid wasting precious time.

How to submit an effective spontaneous application

For a spontaneous application to be effective, you need to go about it the right way. Here are a few tips to maximize your chances of landing a job interview when you send an unsolicited application.

1. Find companies you’d like to work for

First, take the time to find companies with missions that motivate you and values that correspond to yours. Since spontaneous applications take more work, it’s best to invest your time in companies that really interest you.

When you have found a few companies you like, do some research to find out about their recent projects, news and any other information that could be relevant to your application. Then, use that information to write CVs and cover letters that are perfectly tailored to each company.

2. Write clear, direct CVs and cover letters

It’s always important to keep your CVs and cover letters concise, but it’s even more vital when making a spontaneous application. Recruiters will look through their bank of candidates before posting a job offer, so if you want to stand out at that pivotal moment, your cover letter must clearly state what type of job you’re looking for. If the recruiter can easily find that information, your chances of being contacted go up exponentially.

3. Tap into the hidden job market

Did you know that there is a hidden job market that extends far beyond the job offers you can find online?

A significant percentage of job offers are never made public. Companies often rely on their network of contacts or a specialized recruitment firm to find the perfect candidate.

Be proactive and send a spontaneous application to a recruitment firm that specializes in your field (supply chain, finance and accounting, IT, etc.). When recruitment consultants receive job offers from companies, they check their candidate profiles to see whether they can find a good match. This makes the job search process much easier for you.

When and how to follow up on a spontaneous application

Since recruiters aren’t necessarily expecting spontaneous applications, candidates may sometimes need to follow up on their application to make sure it has been received.

When and how should you follow up a spontaneous application? If you haven’t heard back within a few days of sending your application, you can try to contact the recruiter by email.

In your message, introduce yourself and briefly describe your professional objectives. Mention that you recently sent a spontaneous application and explain your reasons for doing so. Finally, attach your CV and cover letter to the email so that the recruiter can find them easily. This demonstrates your motivation and interest in the position you’re applying for.

Send a spontaneous application to Fed Group to find a position that suits you

Job openings aren’t always posted on job search websites, so sending spontaneous applications is a good way to be proactive in your search. Who knows—your spontaneous application might help you land your dream job!

To maximize your chances of finding a job, contact the consultants at Fed Group. Every day, we help sales, procurement, logistics/transport and import-export professionals land job interviews and take their career to the next level.