Have you sent a spontaneous job application to the company of your dreams and are anxiously waiting for them to get back to you? It can be frustrating to be sat there twiddling your thumbs, whilst you wait for a response. When you haven’t heard back, you begin to doubt whether your application has even been received. Why not follow-up with the recruiter?

Fed Finance's recruitment experts explain everything you should know about following up on spontaneous applications, the best time to follow up through to lots of other tips that can help maximize your chances of securing your dream job.

15 July 2022 • FED Group • 4 min

How long should you wait before following up on a spontaneous job application?

Many candidates often ask themselves how long they should wait to follow up with a company or recruiter after submitting a spontaneous application. This is a valid question that needs to be addressed in depth.

If you would like more information after sending a spontaneous application, you should wait 7 to 10 days before following up with the employer. Recruiters may receive a lot of applications after posting a job offer. They must first wait to collect all the applications, sort through them, review them, and then select a certain few to go onto the next stage of the process. You should therefore expect to wait a few days before they even see your application.

Should I follow up on a spontaneous application by phone or email?

There is not necessarily one set way to follow up on an unanswered spontaneous application.. On the one hand, reaching a recruiter over the phone is likely to be quicker.

On the other hand, you must be comfortable speaking over the phone because your tone and the flow of your voice needs to convey confidence during this call. Also be aware that there is a chance that this follow-up call will turn into a proper job interview. Therefore, make sure you're prepared to ace your job interview and land the job you want during  that call.

If you don’t feel ready for this step yet or if calling will make your application a little too informal, sending an email may be a better way to follow up on your application.

How to follow up on a spontaneous application by email

If you've decided to follow up on your spontaneous application by email, but you don’t know how to go about it, note that there are certain factors to keep in mind to make sure your message is well received by your recruiter.

It’s important that your email is concise, clear and direct. You should avoid waffling and go straight to the point of your message.

First of all, start your email by presenting yourself and stating your email’s purpose, which is to make sure that your spontaneous application was received. Mention the date that you sent your CV and cover letter to the company so that they can quickly locate your application. This bit of time saving can only work in your favour.

Next,  state the reasons why you spontaneously applied to the company in your email. This might be because you saw a job advert on a social media platform or because of a conversation you had with someone at a careers fair.

Finish off your email by confidently mentioning your interest for the company and your desire to have a job interview. Make sure to attach your CV and cover letter to the email in order to show initiative.

Also, don’t forget to be polite in your email from beginning to end when addressing the recipient.

How to follow up on a spontaneous application by phone

Following up on a spontaneous application by phone meets the same requirements as a follow-up email, bar a few details.

Just like with writing, during a call, start by presenting yourself and state why you are calling in a direct and concise manner. During this exchange, the most important thing is knowing how to deal with interview anxiety.

Just like you would for a follow up email, let the recruiter know that you have a strong interest in the company. Let them know that you are interested in doing a job interview. Mention that you can also re-send your CV and cover letter for the position to further show that you are determined.

As indicated above, your first contact may take the form of a telephone interview. This is also why it is important to prepare to answer common job interview questions before the call. Your recruiter may use this call to  evaluate your potential within the first few minutes. Remember that preparation is the key to a successful interview, whether it’s for a spontaneous application or not.

Follow up on a spontaneous application to show ambition

You now know the best advice for following up on a spontaneous job application, whether that be by email or by phone. If you haven’t heard back from a spontaneous application, remember to wait a few days before following up with the recruiter. Aim to be direct and confident in your exchanges.

Would you like to find a position that lives up to your expectations? As a recruitment agency in Montréal, one of our main aims at Fed Group is to help candidates find a company that suits them and guide them all the way to landing the job of their dreams. Feel free to contact us to benefit from our experts’ advice.