Whether you're looking to enter the workforce or change jobs, the excitement of a new career in the IT sector can sometimes become discouraging if you're repeatedly turned down by potential employers or can't find a job opening that matches your ambitions.

09 March 2020 • FED Group • 2 min

The boost that propels your career in the technology or IT sector may well come from a recruiter. In fact, when you work with a recruitment agency that specializes in IT, you benefit from several advantages that make your job search more effective.

Here are some of them!

You have specialized skills, put them forward

Some jobs require a unique skill set, and this is even more true in the IT sector. That's why the number of candidates actually qualified for a job is often less than the number of open positions. For example, some places have difficulty filling positions for software developers. In these situations, the candidate is left with a lot of choice and can afford to be selective when choosing a new employer.

To this end, you can use recruitment services to put you in touch with an employer who is looking for candidates who match your exact skills profile. This will increase your chances of finding a job that brings out your true potential... and being paid accordingly.

Increase the longevity and visibility of your application

Working with a recruitment agency, even if you aren't hired after your first interview, your application remains highly visible to other employers looking for IT employees. Your resume will not be rejected if you don't find a job right away. On the contrary, you stay on the recruiter's radar for future positions that may become vacant.

If you think your information is going to get lost in a huge pile of applications, that's definitely not the case. Recruiters use computerized databases that make it easy to find and track candidate files. The software extracts specific information from your CV and matches it to relevant IT jobs. When the right job comes up, your CV is likely to surface.

Expand your network of IT contacts

Consider the people who make up your network of professional contacts: former employers and business partners, teachers, friends and family. While this group of contacts is important and includes influential people, it probably doesn't compare to a professional recruiter's network.

Recruiters spend a great deal of time making contacts in the IT industry through databases, phone calls and face-to-face meetings. Working with a recruitment agency during your job search will expand your network exponentially, giving you visibility and credibility with employers and companies.

Fed IT can help you get your dream job

You now have a better understanding why it pays to enlist the help of an IT recruiter to increase your chances of landing a job in the technology and IT sector.

If you are looking for a job in the IT field, at Fed IT, we are ready to take your job search to the next level. Contact us today!