Have you applied for a job in finance or accounting and got landed a job interview?

02 March 2022 • FED Group • 4 min

Great news! You are one step closer to your goal.

How can you make sure to ace your job interview and land the job you want? Here is the best advice from Fed Finance's recruitment experts.

Learn to manage your stress before the job interview

During a job interview, it is important to be confident in order to show your ability to get the job.

However, job interviews can be quite stressful for many people, especially if the position in question is your dream job.

With this in mind, it is important that you learn how to manage your stress before your job interview. Learn different relaxation techniques and evaluate the factors that cause you the most stress. Being well prepared will give you confidence and help you land the job you want.

Get familiar with the company

Get as familiar as possible with the company you are applying for to help you ace your job interview.

This will help you better understand the company's values, concerns and objectives and see how you can contribute to its success. Your interviewer will be impressed to see how well informed you are about the company and will no doubt notice your enthusiasm for the position.

Prepare your answers to some commonly asked questions

Another good way to prepare for a job interview is by preparing your answers to some questions they might ask. Although you will unlikely be able to anticipate every question you will be asked, interviewers will likely ask you some standard questions.

Some frequently asked questions might be “What are your three greatest strengths?” or “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Even if your interviewer does not ask you all of these questions, it is always better to be prepared.

Describe yourself by highlighting your skills

You need to know how to speak well about yourself during a job interview. However, this doesn't mean talking about your personal life at length. You need to know how to answer each of the interviewer’s questions in a way that highlights your skills.

For example, if you are applying for a job in accounting, the interviewer may ask you how you will handle specific challenges on the job. You can answer this question by using one of your own similar experiences and explaining how your skills helped you overcome this challenge.

Maintain good vocabulary and body language

Recruiters heavily rely on how you present yourself at the interview. Good communication shows your interviewer that you are well prepared and that you believe in yourself.

Make sure you are careful with your vocabulary and avoid language tics such as "uh", "huh" and "what". Your body language is also important in an interview. Adopt a position that makes you appear confident and pay attention to the gestures you use when speaking.

Show your interest in the position by asking your own questions

Answering the questions you are asked during an interview is good, but it is often not enough to show your true interest for the position in the eyes of recruiters.

If you are really determined to get this job, you need to stay energetic and involved during the interview. The best way to do this is by asking the interviewer your own questions, other than questions about salary or employee benefits.

For example, you can ask questions about the work environment, the team or the department in which you would work. Showing your curiosity like this tells the interviewer that you are genuinely motivated to work for this company.

Don’t be afraid to ask for the salary you deserve

Salary can be a sensitive topic to discuss, especially if the interviewer asks you what your salary expectations are.

Do your own research on salary ranges for the position you want to prepare for this. You should also consider your own education and related experience.

There is a good chance that the recruiter will offer you the lowest amount on the salary range you expect. Take the opportunity to ask for a minimum amount that you think is fair and will provide you with sufficient income.

End the interview professionally

How you end your interview also affects your chances of getting the job. After asking your own questions, always thank your interviewer and greet them and others in the room.

After all, you may soon be dealing with these people on a daily basis, so make a good first impression!

Get more job tips in finance and accounting with Fed Finance

In short, to ace your interview and land the job you want, make sure to be well prepared for any possibility. Anticipate the questions you might be asked, learn how to manage your stress, pay attention to your verbal and body language, and make the most of your skills and experience.

Looking for more advice on getting a job in finance and accounting? At Fed Finance, our job placement service helps professionals in this field prepare for their job interviews.

Contact us today to start your job search.