More and more companies and recruiters are using psychometric tests in their recruitment process. As a candidate, these tests may seem daunting, and you may be wondering the following questions: how do I prepare for such a test? How can I pass a psychometric test? How can I use it to highlight my skills?

29 September 2022 • FED Group • 4 min

The recruitment experts at Fed Supply explain all you need to know!

What is a psychometric test?

A psychometric assessment is a set of questions that determine a candidate's behaviour and potential strengths and weaknesses.

In this type of test, there are no right or wrong answers: you simply answer questions by reacting to a series of statements. It is a widely used measurement tool in psychometrics, a science related to the quantification field of psychology.

The purpose of a psychometric test is to measure an applicant’s personality traits, specifically those related to a healthy working environment and good job performance.

This test helps businesses make fewer errors in their recruitment process. It also benefits candidates as taking a psychometric test ensures fairness in the hiring process. It means that recruiters won’t solely base their decision on first impressions and appearance.

How to pass a psychometric test

If you’ve been instructed to complete a psychometric test by your recruiter, you may be wondering how to do well in it. How do you pass a psychometric test?

The term "pass" can be confusing: can you really pass a psychometric test since there are no right or wrong answers?

In general, this type of test is used to highlight your strong points rather than identify your weaknesses.

There are a few things to consider when completing a psychometric test. Here are some of our top tips:

 Be yourself

As cringey as it sounds, being yourself is the best advice we can give you as a recruitment agency. Why is this?

The aim of a psychometric test is to better understand your personality. This is not only to ensure that you are the perfect fit for the company, but also to make you feel good about yourself! Be yourself throughout: if you are not yourself, you run the risk of being chosen and ending up in a company whose values or employees do not correspond to your expectations.

Companies often cross-reference candidates' profiles with those of their existing employees. This way, they will find out if you would blend well into the current team.

Take your time

A psychometric assessment is not a test of speed or a test of skill. To reiterate, there are no wrong or right answers. Therefore, take your time to be honest, take your time to answer mindfully, and think carefully about your answers.

However, while you should not rush to fill out the psychometric test, remember not to make your recruiter wait too long to fill it out and send it in! The more responsive you are, the more interested you will appear in the position. Your recruiter will pick up on this and it will be appreciated.

Use psychometric tests to your advantage

Psychometric tests are beneficial as you can use them to help you prepare for an interview. When you are asked to take one of these tests before an interview, you generally receive your results beforehand.

These results show you what your strengths and skills are. Talk about these! If the recruiter asks you lots of targeted questions, you will be able to give more detailed answers by touching on your psychometric test results.

Completing a psychometric test can only be a good thing. You avoid the risk of being judged on first impressions during the hiring process and there is less risk of cognitive bias.

Should I include my psychometric test result in my CV?

Some people choose to include the results of psychometric tests they have previously taken in their CVs. You could absolutely mention the results of a recognized test such as the MBTI psychological test in your CV. Including your result will allow recruiters to better understand your personality.

If you have previously completed several psychometric tests in the past, such as the Predictive Index, you could send your results to your recruiter in advance.

It's up to you! Some people prefer to keep this information to themselves until it is requested by the recruiter, others choose to send this information to the recruiter early on.

In any case, make sure to personally use your psychometric results to develop your character and deepen your strengths. Take advantage of it!

Fed Supply can help you find a job

In our recruitment process, we use behavioural assessment tools, including psychometric tests, to select the most suitable candidate for a position when several candidates have equal professional skills.

If you are looking for a job in logistics in Montreal, Fed Supply is a supply chain recruitment agency that can help you. Feel free to check out our job offers or send us a spontaneous application. We will be happy to help you in your job search!