Did you know that there’s no one size fits all way to write a CV? Each country and region has its own standards for what to include in a resume, and Quebec is no exception.  When applying for jobs in the province, you should know how to craft your CV to give yourself the best chance of success.

23 November 2023 • FED Group • 5 min

So, how do you write a CV in Quebec? The supply chain recruiters at Fed Supply explain in this article.

What to include in a CV in Quebec

In Quebec, employers and recruiters expect to find certain key information on your CV that will help them assess your candidacy and determine whether you’re qualified for the position.

Here are the sections you need to include in your CV.

1. Contact information

In this section, you must clearly indicate your contact information, including:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your address
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • A link to your website, LinkedIn page, portfolio or any other relevant media, if applicable

2. Profile

In one or two sentences, describe your career objectives and how you plan to achieve them. This brief description helps recruiters assess whether the position is a good fit for you, and also helps them get to know you better. Choose your words carefully, because your profile is the place where readers will get their first impression of who you are!

3. Education and training

Here, list the education and specialized training you have completed that is relevant to the job you’re applying for. There's no need to talk about your three months as a waiter in a café if you're applying for a job in procurement, for example. The aim is to cover everything related to the job offer sector.

Remember to include:

  • The title of your diploma
  • The name and city of the school or institution where you studied
  • Your level of education and graduation date
  • Courses or training specific to the sector you're interested in (e.g.: training in Transport Logistics if you want to work as a supply chain professional)
  • Any honors you were awarded!

4. Your professional experience (the foundation of your resumé)

Work experience is one of two most important elements of a CV. Here is the place to show what you're made of. In this section, describe the jobs you've held, internships you’ve completed and any volunteer experiences. Be sure to mention the following:

  • Company name and location (recruiters may want to contact the company to check your background)
  • Job title
  • Length of work experience
  • The positions you've held (ideally, no more than 5 positions per job or experience, so you don't end up with a two-page CV).

5. Your professional skills and abilities

This is one of the most important sections of your CV. Recruiters look closely at your skills to determine whether you are capable of meeting the requirements of the position.

List your interpersonal qualities, as well as your technical skills, in relation to the sector and job you're applying for. It's even better if you can link them to personal experiences to help the recruiter understand how you developed these aptitudes. It is a common practise to highlight skills within a banner on the left-hand side of the CV, although this is not compulsory.

Don't give out false information: you'll have to defend your professional qualities during your interview, and the recruiter will have your CV right in front of them.

Here is the place to mention your soft skills (qualities), hard skills (know-how), language level and computer skills.

What not to put on your CV

Now that we’ve taken a look at the information you need on your CV, let’s go over what not to include. CVs in Quebec should never include the following:

  • Social insurance number
  • Age or date of birth
  • Marital status
  • Picture

Why not put a photo on your CV?

The Quebec government recommends not putting a photo on your CV to limit the risk of discrimination in hiring. That's right! While it may be an accepted practise in other parts of the world, we strongly advise against putting a photo on your CV in Quebec. It is not a very important part of your résumé, anyhow.

Tips for writing a standout resume to land a job in Quebec

  • Last but not least, here are some additional tips to help you write a flawless CV when applying for jobs in Quebec. Proofread your CV several times and have a friend or family member read it over as well to make sure there are no typos or spelling errors.
  • Every job is different. Tailor your CV to each job you apply for. Gardez ça court. Les employeurs reçoivent plusieurs CV chaque semaine. Si le vôtre fait plus de deux pages, ils auront peu tendance à le lire. Synthétiser est un art.
  • Create clear sections to delineate your experience, skills, etc. Opt for a simpler, structured layout.
  • If there's room, you can also mention your interests, which can help the recruiter get a better idea of your personality!
  • Be professional. Avoid humour in your CV and cover letter.
  • Cover letters are no longer compulsory, but if you want to write an effective cover letter to accompany your CV, use our guide! It can be a good idea to give some context to your application, especially if you are immigrating to Quebec from another country. 😊

    Write a CV so you can apply to supply chain jobs in Quebec

    There you have it! We hope that our tips for writing a CV in Quebec will help you stand out to recruiters and get an interview.

    Are you looking for a supply chain job in the Greater Montreal area? The expert consultants at Fed Supply can help you optimize your CV and guide you throughout the job search process. Feel free to contact us or send us a spontaneous application.