Preparation: The Key to a Successful Phone Interview
A phone job interview should never be taken less seriously than an in-person meeting with the employer at the company’s office. This first interview is a crucial step, as it could lead to an in-person meeting and, ultimately, a position that aligns with your career goals.
Do Not Underestimate the Importance of Phone Interviews
Preparing for your job interview is crucial. To do so, follow the same approach as you would for an in-person interview:
- Research the company (activities, specialties, latest news, key figures, etc.).
- Prepare well-structured answers to common interview questions (your motivation for the position, a list of your strengths and weaknesses, an overview of your career path, etc.).
- Think of relevant questions to ask at the end of the interview
Choose a Quiet Location
Few things are more frustrating than having a conversation disrupted by background noise. This applies to both you and the recruiter, who may lose patience and end the interview prematurely.
It's really important to find a quiet spot where you won't be bothered when you have your phone interview.
Choose a location with minimal foot traffic and test your reception beforehand to avoid poor call quality on the big day.
Have the Right Tools on Hand
Before your interview, gather useful items that could help during the conversation. Keep a notepad and pen nearby for note-taking. Have your resume, the job description, and the cover letter you sent to the company within reach. It’s also a good idea to have your calendar ready in case you need to schedule a follow-up interview.
During the Interview...
Adopt the Right Attitude
Whether over the phone or in person, maintaining a professional attitude is a must. The recruiter cannot see you or analyze your body language, but they will pay close attention to your tone and how you express yourself. To make a good impression, be sure to:
- Speak clearly and articulate your words.
- Smile—your tone of voice can easily convey your mood.
- Be polite and friendly.
- Stay focused and attentive, as this will help you respond effectively to questions.
- Avoid unnecessarily complicated answers. Be clear and concise in your responses.
- Try not to read directly from any notes you have prepared.
End Your Phone Interview on a Strong Note
Do not overlook the conclusion of your interview, and avoid ending the conversation too abruptly. As the discussion wraps up, make sure to ask about the next steps. Should you follow up with the recruiter, or will they reach out to you? If so, what is the expected timeframe?
Additionally, express your continued interest in the position and mention your availability for any potential follow-up interviews.
Finally, don’t forget to thank the recruiter again for their time.
Create a professional Voicemail Greeting!
If you haven’t done so already, update your voicemail greeting as soon as you start your job search. A message that is too informal or personal could hurt your chances.
To avoid being eliminated from consideration, record a clear and professional voicemail greeting. This way, if you miss an important call, you’ll still leave a positive impression.
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