Finding a job is rarely a simple and quick process. While many job offers are available, recruiters and companies are looking for the right candidate for the job. In order for your application to be considered or even accepted, it is therefore important to avoid certain mistakes.

Find out how to avoid mistakes when responding to a job offer.

27 September 2019 • FED Group • 3 min

Mistakes to avoid when responding to a job offer

Not responding to the right job offer

When recruiters start looking for a candidate, they receive a large number of CVs and cover letters. If your application does not match the job offer posted at the outset, your application may be quickly rejected, irrespective of your degree.

Misinterpreting the job offer can be a fatal mistake. In addition to highlighting skills and motivations that do not necessarily correspond to the position, you could lose all credibility during the first exchanges with recruiters.

Failing to read the details of the job offer

Looking at the title of a job offer isn't enough to sound credible. Rather, it is important to read it carefully, since all the necessary information is usually annotated.

For example, a job offer might require some expertise on a particular software. If you don't have this unique skill, your chances of getting the job will be limited. You will therefore waste your time and the recruiter's time, especially if they check your skills and realize that you do not live up to the expectations of the job offer.

Not justifying your response when applying

Responding to a job offer requires an investment on your part. Since recruiters receive many applications, you need to stand out and clearly express your motivation. Detail your skills, describe your qualities and explain why you want to join the company in question.

The more you personalize your application and response, the more likely you are to receive positive feedback.

Losing yourself in your professional career

Responding to a job offer means showing that you have the skills and abilities to meet the challenges inherent to the offer. As such, each element in your CV must serve the offer and clearly explain your professional background. Even if this is difficult because people can have atypical career paths, it is crucial that your CV has a breadcrumb trail that gives meaning to your choices.

This will make your application clear and transparent to the recruiter.

What about the cover letter?

Responding to a job offer with a CV isn't enough. You need to justify your career approach with a comprehensive and relevant CV, as well as a cover letter.

When you attach this document to your CV, you should ensure that:

  • You don't make spelling mistakes or forget about politeness: good writing is always appealing, so don't hesitate to use short sentences and simple wording to keep it straightforward and concise;
  • You don't lie about your skills: even if you are tempted to embellish your career path, always be honest with the recruiter. Rely on your expertise, skills and personal abilities.

Learn how to respond to a job offer: maximize your chances of success

As you can see, responding to a job offer requires you to adopt certain habits that will prevent you from being sidelined too quickly from the job you are applying for. Show yourself in your best light by highlighting your qualities and responding precisely to the job offer.

At Fed Finance, we not only have job offers in the financial sector, we can also assist you throughout the recruitment process. For valuable advice from our experts, contact the Fed Finance team.