We spend so much time at work, that it makes sense for it to have a huge impact on our health and well-being.  Feeling professionally fulfilled is the key to happiness.

Unfortunately, you might be dissatisfied at work. This can affect other areas in your life. But how do you know when it’s time to change jobs?

29 October 2021 • FED Group • 6 min

FED IT is here to help. The IT recruitment experts in Quebec have compiled a list of the top 10 signs that it’s probably time to look for a new job:

  1. You’re not passionate about the job
  2. You have no room to grow
  3. The pay is not on par with your experience
  4. You have a poor relationship with your bosses
  5. You’re stressed or burned out
  6. You don’t feel aligned with the company’s values
  7. You don’t feel valued
  8. The hours are too long
  9. You are a victim of harassment
  10. You feel you could do more

1. You’re not passionate about the job

A lot of people choose a job out of necessity or with only the salary in mind. But this mentality can end up stifling you.

It’s important to enjoy what you do, since you spend so much of your life at work. Otherwise, it will start to impact your happiness. Work is closely tied to our personal development as well. Before looking for or accepting a job, take the time to understand what drives you and your unique talents. This can help you figure out what you actually like to do.

If you don't like what you do, you’re finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning or you’re stressed at the mere thought of work, it might be time to look for another job.

2. You have no room to grow

The opportunity to grow within a company is key to feeling fulfilled at work. This possibility can help you look forward to the future and motivate you to set goals.

However, your company might not be interested in your professional development. The company itself might be dissatisfied, which will affect their productivity and results.

If you’ve been with your company for years and feel like you’re stagnating, now is the time to start looking for another job.

3. The pay is not on par with your experience

Money may not buy happiness, but we need it to meet our basic needs. Money can also be a great motivator—no one wants to work for free!

You don’t need to earn a lot of money to be happy. On the other hand, you do need to feel like you’re being paid fairly for your work. Not being paid what your work or your skills are worth can be an incentive to look for another job.

IT salaries in Quebec are public knowledge. There is no reason why you should be paid less than your peers in the industry who have the same skills and experience.

4. You have a poor relationship with your bosses

Whether we like it or not, bosses play a central role in the company and make decisions that affect the whole organization, including those working below them. Studies have shown that their leadership influences employee well-being and job performance.

If you have a bad relationship with your boss and the situation cannot be improved, you should definitely consider a career change.

An increasingly popular option to avoid similar problems in the future is to start your own business. We have written an article on “How to become an IT freelancer” to help you throughout this process.

5. You’re stressed or burned out

Your supervisor’s leadership style can also lead to stress or burn out. Unfortunately, stress is a very common condition that affects worker health and company results.

You can look for ways within and outside of the company to reduce stress (e.g. yoga and meditation classes). But sometimes there is no solution.

In this case, it is best to look for another job. A recruitment agency can help you with your job search. They know the companies in the sector well and can tell you which ones are recruiting and which ones treat their employees well.

6. You don’t feel aligned with the company’s values

It’s easier to feel fulfilled by an organization when you feel in sync with their values.

If you have ethical or moral qualms with the way the company does business, you want to reconsider your decision to stay with that company.

7. You don’t feel valued

We all want to feel appreciated—especially at work.

You may find that you aren’t getting positive feedback, despite doing your job well. Or perhaps you’ve been with the company a long time and have a solid track record, but your bosses don’t care and continuously pass you up for promotion. If your organization doesn’t seem to value your contributions, it’s time to look for new career opportunities.

8. The hours are too long

No one wants to feel like a slave to their work. Working a reasonable number of hours is crucial to your well-being. Some companies require their employees to be fully available every day, for example, with long shifts and long breaks in between.

It can be difficult to meet these obligations while also balancing your personal life.

9. You are a victim of harassment

Your relationship with your colleagues is extremely important for your professional well-being. Bullying or psychological harassment at work often leads to depression, anxiety, personality changes or feeling detached from the company.

Managers can also be perpetrators of harassment.

In either case, the situation is not normal and needs to be addressed.

10. You feel you could do more

If you feel under-utilized or think you can give more to the company, you will inevitably start to feel demotivated or bored at work.

It’s important to feel both valued and useful at work. If you are looking for more, you can leave your job for one that is better suited to your skills. You can address the matter with your company and see how they react. If your superiors do not take action, you can decided whether or not to look for another job.

Looking for an IT job? Fed IT can help

Changing jobs can seem risky. That said, it may be necessary for your personal and professional well-being.

The IT industry is booming. Changing jobs can be a great way to grow and fast-track your career. There are new opportunities in Quebec every day.

Do you need help finding your dream IT job? Contact us by phone at (438) 499 - 0405 or fill in the online form on our contact page.