Are you passionate about IT? Do you love solving problems and tackling challenges, each more fascinating than the last? A career as a cybersecurity expert could be right for you.

26 May 2021 • FED IT • 2 min

Here’s everything you need to know about a career as a cybersecurity analyst.

The role of a cybersecurity analyst

A cybersecurity analyst’s main job is to oversee all activities pertaining to companies’ IT security. They ensure that programs and software are secure and in compliance with standards.

Depending on where they work, cybersecurity experts may be responsible for the following:

  • Crisis management, analysis and problem solving
  • Ensuring that systems and networks are functioning properly
  • Advising clients on IT security process optimization and best practices
  • Implementing new cybersecurity technologies
  • Developing and implementing cybersecurity strategies

Education needed to become a cybersecurity analyst

There are several programs of study at both the CEGEP and university level that can lead to a career as a cybersecurity analyst.

These IT professionals often have a DEC in computer science and a bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering or software engineering. Some CEGEPs and universities also offer shorter programs (certificates, microprograms, etc.) that enable candidates to specialize further.

Skills and aptitudes needed for the profession

In order to succeed as a cybersecurity analyst, the following skills and aptitudes are essential:

  • Ability to solve problems of varying complexity
  • Knowledge of electronic data interchange standards
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Ability to multitask
  • Teamwork-oriented
  • Ability to work under pressure and manage stress, particularly in a crisis

Salary and job prospects for cybersecurity analysts

According to Statistics Canada, job prospects for cybersecurity analysts in Quebec are good, which is encouraging for those who are interested in the profession..

In terms of salary, IT security experts earn around $65,000 a year at the start of their career. Of course, the more experience an analyst has, the more their salary increases. The salary for this profession can reach and exceed $100,000 per year.

Find a job as a cybersecurity analyst with the help of Fed IT

The cybersecurity analyst profession can be truly rewarding for IT enthusiasts who like the idea of tackling challenges on a daily basis. And since the outlook for the profession is good, you can feel confident that it is a wise career choice.

Looking for a job as a cybersecurity analyst? The consultants at Fed IT can help you find a job that’s right for you. Send us a spontaneous application today to start your career off on the right foot.

Want to know more about the many career paths available in the IT field in Quebec? Check out our Employment Advice in the News section of our website!