The IT sector has never experienced such a boom in employment. All businesses have understood that they need to develop their IT system in order to increase their productivity and efficiency. The Internet of Things specialist role is one of the latest job opportunities related to Management Information Systems in Quebec.

04 July 2022 • FED IT • 6 min

Our Fed IT experts will help you to understand the challenges that this fast-growing profession is facing. This role is rapidly growing in popularity and Quebec is currently making big waves in this sector. 

What is an Internet of Things (IoT) specialist? 

The Internet of Things consists of all physical objects with sensors, software and applications that aim to connect to other systems on the Internet. They connect and exchange their data with other devices and systems. Examples of these physical objects (or groups of objects) include home automation devices, industrial tools and even connected modes of transport.

The Internet of Things specialist is responsible for designing the software, creating these physical devices and collecting the data for analysis and processing.  

How to become an IoT specialist

As you’d expect for a new, up-and-coming job, there’s currently little training for specifically becoming an Internet of Things specialist. Therefore, you would be a suitable candidate if you have an IT, cyber security or programming degree with some experience in project management.

However, because it is one of the most researched IT professions in Quebec, we are beginning to notice the development of specialized Internet of Things training programs, both theoretical and practical ones. You can now pursue an AEC (Attestation of Collegial Studies) in Internet of Things or even obtain a university degree in it. 

What does an Internet of Things specialist do?

An Internet of Things specialist wears many different hats. They intervene at different stages of the object development process. Firstly, they create the sensors and software that allow the physical objects to easily connect to other systems. 

Then, the second step is for them to manage all of the object connections and the passing of data between them.

Following this, the Internet of Things specialist analyzes the collected data to help adjust software and applications to user needs.

This job is essentially being an electronic engineer, computer scientist, electrotechnical engineer, mobile application developer and data analyst all at the same time. 

What business sectors are related to the Internet of Things?

As with the artificial intelligence buzz, virtually all companies are developing interconnected software. However, some sectors are more involved than others. These are the ones that will recruit the most candidates to grow their workforce. These areas include:

  • Industry: Monitoring production lines to anticipate issues with equipment 

  • Automotive: Detecting vehicle breakdowns on the road and alerting drivers

  • Transport: Busyness and weather conditions can be monitored to optimize logistics

  • Retail: Managing stock, customer experience and cost reduction

  • Health: Managing emergency medical equipment and remote consultation

  • Security: Monitoring dangerous environments (mines and gas wells), surveillance

What skills are needed to be an Internet of Things specialist?

The Internet of Things profession is complex and each component to it requires specific skills. Since Quebec’s IT sector demands certain knowledge, anyone that works within it must have a firm level of expertise in the following areas: 

  • Project management: Project organization, coordination of staff and close collaboration between departments are at the heart of a successful IT project.

  • Networks: So that the objects have a solid network of connections, to carry out this role, you need to be a network expert capable of controlling data traffic and flows.

  • Software connectivity: the main role of an Internet of Things specialist is to ensure that one system connects to another.

  • The cloud: Since it’s essential to store all the data somewhere, the cloud has become a key requirement for many businesses. Therefore, it needs to be perfectly understood and managed appropriately. 

  • Big Data: The collection of data is at the heart of the Internet of Things specialist profession. It’s therefore important to have a good understanding of Hadoop, NoSQL and Spark to collect and sort data in a speedy way. 

  • Analysis: Closely linked to Big Data, the analytical part is essential to any project. All businesses need to know how to interpret results.

  • Security: When talking about interconnectivity, you need to consider the cyber security analyst component of the Internet of Things specialist role. Being an expert in this field must be at the top of the list since attacks on connected objects are becoming more and more frequent.

What qualities are expected of an Internet of Things specialist?

One of the most indispensable qualities needed to succeed in IT and more specifically as an Internet of Things specialist is intellectual curiosity. 

In fact, this profession requires a constant monitoring of the latest technologies in order to anticipate client needs and the digital advancements of tomorrow.

Technical expertise and teamwork skills are also two essential skills. They help staff to resolve problems, learn how to use equipment and understand what their business needs. 

What is the salary for an IoT specialist?

An Internet of Things specialist’s salary is 50 000 dollars a year on average for a new employee. This converts to an hourly salary of 25.7 dollars. An experienced specialist can earn a salary of 75 000 dollars a year, or 38.5 dollars an hour. Don’t hesitate to promote yourself and negotiate your salary during the job interview

Find an IoT specialist job with Fed IT

An Internet of Things specialist is a multi-skilled profession. During the interview, the recruiter will therefore be looking to see a variety of skills and qualities in you. 

Job prospects, salary and career development are continually improving for this position so there is no doubt that Internet of Things specialists will become essential within the IT sector.

To help maximize your chances of getting hired, contact the Fed IT job placement agency and take a look at our specialized job offers