The IT sector has grown in the last few years, especially since COVID-19 and now businesses are looking for new profiles to help them get ahead in the digital world. The Web integrator (also front-end integrator) is one of these new essential profiles.

Fed IT, a specialist in IT recruitment, invites you to look at this increasingly demanding job in Quebec.

27 January 2022 • FED IT • 4 min

What is a web integrator?

The primary role of the web integrator is to combine different elements of a site in an efficient way. They may work in a web agency or a computer engineering services company.

Web integrators are in charge of the overall layout of the site. They determine the style sheets, the menu, the footer, and the content of the pages, such as the graphic and sound animations. They need to be familiar with the most used programming languages to succeed.

Adjusting the site to various platforms (computers, phones, tablets), he checks its compatibility with different browsers. He also runs various tests and fixes any errors.

The integrator plays an integral role in the Web teams

The responsibilities of the web integrator mostly depend on the experience and the project size, such as the number of pages to be integrated into a site. Web integrators often report to a project manager and work as a team with developers and graphic designers. They provide advice on the integration method during the design stage of the project.

Additionally, they help and guide developers and graphic designers on file formats, sizes and types.

What are the main responsibilities of a web integrator?

  • Combine different elements that are included in a Web site
  • Translate graphic models in an adapted language using proper technologies,
  • Adjust websites to different platforms (mobile, laptops, tablets, etc...) and different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge, etc...)
  • Provide its expertise during the planning phase of the project and recommend technical solutions
  • Help and guide his colleagues in choosing the right formats

What skills are required for this position?

Technical skills

Strong command of CMS and code editors is a must for this profession.

The web integrator also needs proficiency in the main programming languages, such as JavaScript, PHP or CSS. Those who have a good development background can turn to the front-end developer position. Overall, these are the most in-demand skills in the IT sector.

A good understanding of useful web software such as Adobe Photoshop, ImageReady, Flash, or DreamWeaver would also be helpful.

Non-technical skills (soft skills)

Soft skills a Web Integrator should have:

  • Patience and calm,
  • Understanding and problem-solving skills,
  • Good time management,
  • Good communication and team spirit
  • Demonstrate a willingness to help others.

How to become a Web integrator in Canada?

To become a web integrator, you need to develop the above-mentioned skills and demonstrate them through a portfolio of your achievements.

Having a degree in computer science is preferable, but not mandatory. In the IT field, experience and achievements are more important than diplomas.

Writing a CV with no work experience can be difficult. Students and recent graduates who already have a solid foundation in the main programming languages are encouraged to work on their projects and showcase them in their CVs.

How much does a Web integrator make in Canada?

In Canada, the average salary for a web integrator generally varies between $45 and $55,000 per year. The salary may vary considerably depending on the experience, the employer, and the specific skills of the Web integrator.

Below is an estimate based on experience:

  • Junior: $35,000 to $40,000 (0 to 3 years experience)
  • Middle: $45,000 to $55,000 (4 to 8 years of experience)
  • Senior: $60,000 to $80,000 (8+ years of experience)

Start your career as a Web integrator with Fed IT

Looking for a Web integrator job in Quebec? Fed IT is here to help you: we post the latest IT job offers daily.

You can submit your CV if you wish to be contacted by companies! We'll add it to our file and send it to the companies that need your profile.

If you are a company looking for a Web integrator, we will help you find the right person. Contact us for more information!