The digitalization, IT transformations and new technologies drastically change companies and create daily new needs for insightful profiles. Companies’ reputation, candidates’ criteria of selection for openings, good work conditions: how to attract IT professionals on a very competitive employment market?

30 August 2022 • FED IT • 4 min

Montreal – August 30th 2022 – Fed IT, specialized recruitment firm for IT positions unveils the results of its yearly survey focusing on the IT employment market in the Montreal region. For its study, the agency asked 92 candidates currently employed, or looking for openings, about their vision of the sector and their habits when looking for a new position

The challenge of corporate reputation to attract talent

When asked about the means used to search for a job, most respondents say they consult dedicated websites -Indeed, Jobboom, etc.- (79%). Next come professional social networks (59%), applications on company websites (55%) and recruitment agencies (46%).

Another observation: the vast majority of candidates (97%) like to learn more about the company before applying. Thus, 75% visit the website of the company they are looking for, while 59% of them try to find out about its reputation (Google reviews, Glassdoor, etc.). Only about a third of respondents (36%) say they search for companies on social networks.

Candidates are sensitive to transparency in advertisements and job descriptions

When asked what they are looking for in a job ad, 65% of respondents say they are looking for the skills required by the company for the position in question. At the same time, nearly one out of two candidates (46%) also indicate that the proposed compensation is an element they look for first in a job ad.

This phenomenon is observed daily according to Frédérique Tahon, Associate Director in charge of Fed IT: "Transparency is an important criterion for IT candidates. The easier it is for candidates to project themselves thanks to the elements presented in the ad, the greater the probability that they will apply. In particular, we observe a significant increase in applications when the salary is presented in the job description". 

Candidate retention and satisfaction measurement

Compensation is often cited as a decisive reason for changing jobs, and 70% of respondents cite it as a lever that encourages them to stay with a company. Staying competitive is an asset for companies. The criterion is cited in third place, behind the work environment (82%) and the prospects for development (75%).

Respondents were unanimous: 97% of them believe that analyzing employee satisfaction is an important measure that companies should adopt. However, there seems to be no consensus on how to approach this measurement. Fifty percent prefer an informal approach (team meetings, small group discussions, etc.) and 47 percent prefer a more formal approach (annual surveys, etc.).

When asked about candidate retention’s measures, respondents seem to favor two aspects:

  • Measures related to work organization: 73% of respondents indicate that companies should implement flexible working hours, and 63% cite a clear and transparent telecommuting policy. These measures, closely linked to new work practices whose development has accelerated due to the health crisis, are anchored in the practices of IT profiles. A phenomenon that can be observed, according to Frédérique Tahon: "Although the COVID-19 crisis is not over yet, many are already asking themselves the question of the aftermath. Having been used to working remotely for more than two years, a certain proportion of candidates do not currently see themselves returning to a less flexible model. This question is very much present in the IT recruitment process." 
  • Measures that facilitate career development within a company: 69% of respondents cite the importance of a clear and progressive training program as a lever for retaining employees. Similarly, 59% of respondents cite the prospects for career development as a decisive criterion. To retain their employees, it seems that companies must focus on supporting their employees in their career path. This is even more important given that 38% of respondents say they expect to be with the same company for more than seven years when they start a new job.