A cover letter is a preliminary contact between you and the employer. A well-written cover letter can help you stand out and, hopefully, get an interview for the position you are applying for.

24 June 2023 • FED IT • 8 min

This is especially true in the IT field where competition between candidates is increasing, despite the growing number of available positions. Are you looking to land an IT job? Use the tips of our IT recruiters for a good cover letter.

How to prepare your application for an IT position

Before you write your cover letter for IT jobs, you need to be properly prepared.

First, you should have the job offer at hand. This will be the basis for your cover letter. You should also keep your resume close by, as it will be just as useful for conveying your experience.

Next, gather some key information about the company, such as its industry sector, corporate structure or culture, customers and achievements. This will help you make connections between your interests and the IT position that interests you.

Cover letter structure for an IT job in 4 parts

In the IT industry as in most other sectors, it is good practice to write a cover letter in 4 steps:

  • The header
  • The introduction
  • Reasons for applying
  • Call to action to get an interview

Make sure it fits on one page: be precise and concise. Each sentence should add value to your application.

The first part: the header

Your cover letter begins with the header. It is the first section of your cover letter that includes your and your recipient's contact information, where possible.

Leaving out this information may show a lack of professionalism since the recruiter will need it to call you for an interview.

It's always a good idea to personalize your cover letter by addressing it to the person responsible for recruiting. The person should be addressed by using his or her last name, for example, "Dear Mr. Bocquet," or "To Mr. Bocquet.

Good practice:

"Jérôme Leroy

2655 du Prince Street

Montreal, H2K2T5

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mr. Bocquet

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Company X

                                                                                                                                                                                    4427 Gatineau Street

                                                                                                                                                                                             Laval, H7T 1G8

Montreal, January 5, 2022

Dear Mr. Bocquet,


The second part: introduction

The introduction of your cover letter is the opening section. Here you introduce yourself briefly and explain the reason for your letter: explain clearly why you are writing and what is your interest.

Regarding the format of your introduction, pay attention to the writing style: it should be easy to understand and, most of all, free of spelling mistakes. The introduction shouldn't be too long, 4 or 5 lines are usually enough before moving on to the next part.

Good example: " I contacted you to apply for the job available in your agency published on your website on January 14, 2022. I would like to join your team at XXX as a web developer. Based on my academic background and internship experiences, I believe I would be a good fit for this position."

The third part: reasons for applying

This is where you explain why your application is a perfect fit for the IT job opportunity. You should demonstrate how the requirements of the position relate to you.

Don't just talk about yourself. This is where the hiring manager wants to know how you will contribute to the company's needs. Focus on their interests.

Refer to the IT job description and write positive, affirmative sentences that highlight your value and accomplishments as an IT professional. Be original. This will help you stand out.

Write about one or two of your professional accomplishments during your IT career. If you are a recent graduate, don't get discouraged, and make the most of your college education.

Remember to delete unnecessary text: leave only relevant information related to the employer's needs for that particular position.

Good example: " After graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Software Development, I worked for 2 years in a company as a software developer. During that time, I acquired skills that will help me to perform my job within a company.

I have expertise in using main programming languages in software development to create or optimize software applications, i.e. Java, C++ and PHP. My knowledge includes computer equipment maintenance and establishing high-security software protocols.”

The fourth part: call to action to get an interview

At this stage, the bulk of your cover letter is written. All that's left to do is thank the recipient. Most importantly, you need to let them know that you are available for an interview.

Once this is done, conclude the cover letter with one of the usual greetings.

Good example: "Thank you for considering my application. If you need any clarification regarding my resume, I would be happy to discuss it with you in person. You can contact me at any time by phone or email."

Cover letter for entry level it job

Here's a small example put together for a junior profile who wants to become a web developer.

[Your name]
[Your address]
[City, Postcode]
[E-mail address]
[Telephone number]


Subject: Web developer job application

Dear Mr Bocquet,

I would like to apply for the position of junior developer at your company. As a recent graduate in computer science, I am passionate about web development and would like to put my skills into practice while gaining valuable professional experience.

With a solid background in programming, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I also have a good basic knowledge of frameworks such as Bootstrap and jQuery. I'm constantly on the lookout for the latest trends and technologies in web development, and I'm ready to take on new challenges to improve my skills.

I'm particularly drawn to your company because of your reputation as a major player in the field of web development. Your commitment to innovation and quality is a perfect match for my own career aspirations.

What's more, you expect your future employee to be dedicated, passionate and creative - qualities that are dear to me and that I apply to my work. I love pushing boundaries and exploring new approaches to deliver exceptional user experiences. My portfolio is a testament to my ability to create visually appealing and intuitive interfaces. I've attached it to my CV.

Thank you for your time. I would be delighted to discuss my application in more detail during an interview. I am available at your convenience for a discussion, whether by telephone, video conference or in person.

I look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Bocquet.

Yours faithfully

[Your name]

Our 6 extra tips for polishing your IT cover letter

The following tips from our recruiting experts will help you write your cover letter for an IT job properly:

  • Show enthusiasm and motivation for the position.
  • Do not lie or use false information.
  • Make sure that all the information presented is up to date.
  • When you finish writing it, review it for spelling and writing errors.
  • Use the same font and style as the one on your resume.
  • If you attach a file to your cover letter, like a portfolio of achievements, be sure to specify it.

And to prepare an excellent application, don't forget to draw up an IT resume tailored to the job you're applying for.

Fed IT helps you land an IT job

There you have it. Now you are ready to write a winning cover letter for an IT job. We hope you find these tips useful.

If you're working on your cover letter, you're probably looking for a job in IT? Well, at Fed IT we're recruiting candidates from the sector! Submit a spontaneous application and we’ll see what we can do for you! 😊

Best of luck!