In IT, every career path is different. Some people find their ideal career as soon as they enter the workforce, but others only realize that their true calling is IT later in life.

24 August 2021 • FED IT • 3 min

Regardless of whether you are launching your career in IT at the age of 20 or 50, everyone starts off with no experience. So, how do you write your CV when you have no work experience in IT?

The specialized consultants at Fed IT, our IT recruitment agency, offer their advice in this article.

How to write a strong CV if you’ve never worked in IT

Whether you’re a young computer science student just starting college or a professional in the midst of a career change, you can write a strong CV for an IT job even if you have no experience.

You’ll simply need to make a few adjustments to highlight different aspects of your experience and personality.

Focus on your hard and soft skills

Candidates have much more to offer than just their work experience. Hard and soft skills can say a lot about a person.

When writing a CV for the IT sector, think about the hard and soft skills you have that might be relevant for an IT job.

For example, you can list the software and programming languages you are proficient in. Also, don’t hesitate to include any academic distinctions you have received in courses related to IT.

Mention relevant personal experience

Have you volunteered for an event or organization? Are you a leading member of a student association? Have you had any other personal experiences that have contributed to your development and skills? Include them in your CV!

Even if your experiences aren’t directly related to IT, they can demonstrate your motivation, versatility and adaptability, which are valuable assets in any work context.

Ask people you trust to provide reference letters

Another great way to build a strong application is to ask people you trust to write you reference letters. If you have support from a former teacher or your boss from your summer job, recruiters will be more likely to offer you an interview because they have proof that you work well.

If you like, you can include an excerpt from a reference letter that highlights one of your skills in your CV. However, it’s more common to state at the bottom of the document that you can provide references upon request.

What to include in your cover letter

Most employers and recruiters require both a cover letter and a CV when you apply for a job. The cover letter is an opportunity to explain why you want to work in IT even though you don’t have any professional experience in the field.

For more information on how to write a strong cover letter, check out our article on how to write a cover letter for an IT job.

Find your first IT job with the help of Fed IT

If you’re concerned about writing a CV with no work experience in IT, there’s no need to worry. Everyone has to start somewhere! Just make sure to adapt your CV and cover letter to showcase the hard and soft skills that would make you an asset to your potential employer.

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Contact the specialized consultants at Fed IT. Every day, we help motivated people like you find the job of their dreams.