The IT industry is a very diverse environment full of skilled professionals and equally essential professions. However, among the wide range of opportunities, some professions are inevitably more popular than others in the corporate world.

09 April 2020 • FED IT • 3 min

In this article, our experts keep you informed by sharing the main professions in the IT sector. Have a good read!

The developer: a highly popular IT profession

 Developers are one of the main professions in the IT industry. In high demand in many sectors and sought after by recruitment agencies, the developer can specialize in many branches of IT.

They are also responsible for building and improving IT programs to meet the needs of customers and users. As a computer language specialist, the developer can design a program in its entirety to deliver a tailor-made product. They are also involved in the maintenance and development of certain programs internally or on behalf of the companies that contract them.

The network administrator: custodian of IT equipment

 Network administrator is another one of the main professions in the IT sector. Many IT jobs are available on the market for these professionals.

Network administrators are mainly responsible for supervising the IT network. They manage the servers as well as all internal and external network equipment for both employees and customers of a company. These professionals handle the day-to-day network management but intervene more often when technical problems arise.

The IT engineer, a much sought-after profession

The IT engineering profession is the most skilled occupation that can be practiced after completing studies in the field of computer science. This title includes various specialties. Some engineers specialize in computer architecture, while others specialize in software, networking or artificial intelligence.

Although IT engineers are among the most popular professions in the sector, their varied IT skills are constantly sought after by recruiters.

The IT project manager: multi-tasking expert

The IT project manager is an information technology (IT) professional whose main objective is translating the client's requirements into IT solutions. In other words, they coordinate all the steps in the implementation of a computer system to offer their clients a product that meets their needs.

This means they are primarily responsible for the implementation and development of the projects assigned to them, coordination between the various teams involved and meeting deadlines. This professional must demonstrate excellent versatility, good organization and effective communication of information and requests between the various parties involved in a project.

The IT security expert, a superhero of the 21st century

Last but not least, the IT security expert. This IT professional is vital and indispensable to any company, whether small, medium or large. Their main role is to secure all of a company's data.

They also ensure the detection of security flaws in systems in order to anticipate and prevent possible breaches of security by hackers. This professional must therefore have a wide range of IT knowledge, be highly responsive and have a strong analytical mind.

IT professions that are here to stay

In short, these 5 professions are some of the main occupations in the IT sector. And given that the IT sector is a rapidly expanding and increasingly specialized field, these occupations are not likely to disappear any time soon!

Contact us now if you would like to work in the IT sector and get a helping hand in your job search. At Fed IT, we have the resources to help you find the job that best suits your needs. Our experts specialize in temp IT jobs and permanent recruitment and will be happy to advise you.