Whether you're a recent graduate looking for your first job or looking to reorient yourself in the information technology (IT) sector, you may be wondering how to stand out to employers as a programming candidate. 

14 January 2020 • FED IT • 2 min

In this article written by our IT recruitment agency, find out which programming skills are most valued by recruiters. This will help you stand out from other candidates by developing them further or highlighting them in your application!

A good programming candidate is proficient in several languages and platforms

In 2020, the ability to easily read and write different computer languages and to use different programming platforms (Linux, Windows, etc.) is essential for a programming candidate looking for a job. Demonstrating this versatility in your CV will certainly increase your chances of being considered for an IT job.

It therefore pays to familiarize yourself with the most used programming languagesin the field(s) of employment you are most interested in. Many say that the most popular languages for 2020 are JavaScript, Python and Java. However, this does not mean that knowledge of these languages is required to work in all sectors.

Adapt your application to the job you are looking for

Take the time to get to know the company you send your application to and the requirements for the position you are applying for so that you can emphasize the right skills in your resume. 

Updating your knowledge to remain a strong programming candidate

With the speed of technology evolving in programming, it is important for programmers to keep up with new languages and tools that are developed over the years.

Keeping up to date with the latest developments in your field shows employers and recruiters that you are motivated by your work and capable of adapting to the rapid changes in your field, two characteristics that are highly sought-after among programming candidates.

Master the latest programming languages and IT tools to make yourself indispensable

Considering the enormous amount of new technologies and tools that are being developed in the field of programming, it may seem difficult to stay on top of everything happening in computer science.

However, there are a number of ways in which applicants for programming jobs can gainfully complete their vocational training. For example, they can register for seminars or training courses.

You can also find free online podcasts that discuss news in different areas of IT, or even check out blogs and discussion forums that cover similar topics!

Have you mastered the skills needed to be a good programming candidate? Contact Fed IT!

In conclusion, a good candidate for a programming job should be versatile and proactive. The ideal candidate is proficient in several languages and tools, and continually seeks to keep informed about new trends in the field.

If you fit this profile, you are welcome to contact the Fed IT team to help you in your job search!