Nowadays, there is an endless number of programming languages.

19 February 2024 • FED IT • 14 min

Knowing which ones are most useful to learn as an aspiring IT developer, or which ones IT recruiters look for the most, can therefore be difficult.

Looking for developer jobs? To maximize your chances of landing the job of your dreams, learn about the most used programming languages used in 2024.

What is a computer programming language?

A computer programming language is a set of syntactic and semantic rules that enable programmers to write instructions that can be understood by a computer. These instructions define the actions the computer must perform to accomplish specific tasks, such as data manipulation, information processing or hardware control.

Programming languages provide developers with a structured, logical way of communicating with machines, facilitating the development of software and computer applications. Each programming language has its own characteristics, advantages and fields of application, enabling programmers to choose the language best suited to their needs and project requirements.

Top 10 most used programming languages

Based on the 2024 TIOBE index (which measures the popularity of computer languages), these 10 programming languages are currently the most widely used. It's worth noting that the top 5 remain well established in the rankings, with no fluctuations to be noted on their side!

1. Python

Easy to learn and versatile, Python is an excellent choice for getting started in programming. It is used in many fields, such as automation, data science, web development and artificial intelligence. Python stands out for its clear, concise syntax, making it accessible even to programming beginners. Its great popularity is also supported by a vast community of developers who contribute to its dynamic ecosystem of libraries and frameworks.


  • Easy to learn
  • Large community
  • Wide choice of libraries
  • Versatility


  • Execution speed sometimes slower than other languages
  • Automatic memory management can be less efficient

2. C

Powerful and high-performance, C is a basic language for operating systems, games and demanding applications. It is more difficult to learn than Python due to its complex syntax, but offers more precise control over program operation. Known for its speed and efficiency, the C language is widely used in fields where performance is required.


  • Performance
  • Precise hardware control
  • Widely adopted in industry


  • Complex syntax
  • Difficult to learn
  • Manual memory management

3. C++

An object-oriented version of the C language, C++ offers greater functionality and complexity, making it a preferred choice for developers working on complex, demanding projects. Used in fields such as embedded software, video games and applications requiring high performance, C++ enables efficient and flexible programming thanks to its object-oriented capabilities. It is also more difficult than Python to learn.


  • Performance
  • Flexibility
  • Ability to create classes and objects


  • Complex syntax
  • Difficult to learn
  • Manual memory management

4. Java

Robust and versatile, Java is a programming language widely used in the development of enterprise applications, Android software and web solutions. Renowned for its portability, Java enables developers to create applications that can run on different platforms without requiring major modifications. What's more, its automated memory management and robust security model make it a safe choice for developing software sensitive to errors and attacks.


  • Robustness
  • Portability
  • Broad industry adoption


  • Code verbosity
  • Performance sometimes less optimal than other languages

5. C#

Similar to Java, C# is a programming language developed by Microsoft for its .NET ecosystem. It is widely used for the development of Windows applications, as well as for the creation of web solutions thanks to frameworks such as ASP.NET. C#'s syntax is similar to that of Java, making it easy for developers to make the transition between the two languages. What's more, its tight integration with Microsoft technologies makes it a popular choice for companies working in the Windows ecosystem.


  • Ease of learning for Windows developers
  • Integration with Microsoft technologies
  • Wide choice of libraries


  • Less portable than Java
  • Mainly used in the Microsoft environment

6. Javascript

JavaScript is the essential language of web development, widely used to create dynamic, interactive interfaces on websites. In addition to its use on the client side to make web pages interactive, JavaScript is also used on the server side thanks to platforms such as Node.js. What's more, with the advent of JavaScript frameworks like React Native and Ionic, JavaScript has become a popular option for developing cross-platform mobile applications.


  • Wide adoption on the web
  • Relative ease of learning
  • Large community


  • Performance sometimes limited
  • Complex code management for heavy applications

7. SQL

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language specially designed to interact with relational databases. It is used to store, manipulate and retrieve data from relational databases. SQL is essential for any developer working with databases, as it provides a standardized and efficient means of performing operations such as creating tables, inserting data, modifying and deleting data, as well as retrieving data using queries.


  • Universal database standard
  • Power and flexibility for complex queries
  • Relative ease of learning


  • Not suitable for general software programming
  • Requires knowledge of database structure

8. Go

Designed by Google, Go is a modern, easy-to-learn, high-performance programming language. It was created with the aim of simplifying the development process while maintaining high performance. Go is particularly suited to the development of web services and network applications, thanks to its efficient management of system resources and native support for multithreading through goroutines.


  • Rich, comprehensive standard library
  • Simple, concise syntax for easy learning
  • Native multithreading support with goroutines


  • Fewer advanced features than some more established languages
  • More frequent compilation errors due to rigorous type checking

9. Visual Basic

Visual Basic (VB) is a programming language developed by Microsoft, mainly used to create applications under the Windows environment. Known for its simplicity and ease of learning, Visual Basic is often recommended to programming beginners because of its intuitive syntax and user-friendly development tools. However, although VB is well-suited to the development of Windows applications, it is generally considered less versatile than other more modern languages.


  • Easy to learn
  • Integration with Microsoft technologies
  • Wide choice of visual components


  • Less powerful than other languages
  • Mainly used in the Microsoft environment
  • Difficulty creating complex applications

10. PHP

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular programming language used for dynamic web development. Mainly used on the server side, PHP is widely used to create interactive websites and web applications. Thanks to its simplicity and ease of learning, PHP is often recommended for beginners in web programming. What's more, PHP offers great flexibility thanks to its extensive library of functions and frameworks.


  • Relative ease of learning
  • Wide adoption on the web
  • Large community
  • Wide choice of frameworks and libraries


  • Security sometimes problematic
  • Performance sometimes less optimal than other languages for highly loaded or complex applications

The most in-demand programming languages based on their use

As you are in the midst of your career development, you should learn the most used languages based on the IT field in which you want to work.

Each language has its own particular use. A web developer with therefore not necessarily be familiar with the same language as a video game designer.

Here are the most used programming languages in the main IT sectors.

Best programming languages for website creation

Creating a website is no small task. There are different types of jobs in web development that require very different skills.

Languages mastered by front-end developers

Front-end developers are in charge of developing a website's interactive components, i.e. the parts that an internet user sees and can interact with directly.

To get a front-end developer job, you have to master the JavaScript language and some of its frameworks, such as Angular or React JS.

Languages mastered by back-end developers

Back-end developers handle the coding that makes a site work, i.e. its server side. To get a back-end developer job, you should know PHP, Ruby, Python and/or Go.

Languages mastered by full stack developers

Full stack developers know how to code the front-end and back-end of a website. They must therefore learn to use all the languages necessary for these tasks.

Languages used in software development

Would you like to work in software development?

Several programming languages are used in this industry. You therefore have several options if you wish to deepen your knowledge as a computer programmer.

A valuable language to learn in this field is C, one of the oldest programming languages. You should also master its derivative, C++, for object-oriented programming. Another derivative of this language, C#, is also often sought after by IT recruiters.

Other programming languages useful in software development would be Python, Java and even JavaScript in some cases.

Languages used in mobile application development

The mobile application development sector has not stopped growing in recent years.

If you want to follow this career path, you need to learn programming languages for the main mobile operating systems: Android and iOS.

Computer languages to learn for Android applications

To create Android applications, you need to master the Java language, but Kotlin has become increasingly popular due to its conciseness and enhanced security. It is now considered the recommended language for Android development, although knowledge of Java remains useful for maintaining existing applications. Learning it could certainly be an asset when applying for a job in this sector.

Programming languages for iOS applications

In the past, Objective-C was the most widely used language for programming iOS applications. Today, this language is increasingly giving way to Swift.

So it can be interesting to learn both. We suggest, however, that you pay more attention to Swift, as it will completely replace Objective-C in the future.  

The best programming languages to learn for working in artificial intelligence

To work in artificial intelligence (AI), key programming languages to learn include Python, widely used with libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, as well as R for statistical analysis.

Java is commonly used in natural language processing, while C++ is preferred for applications requiring high performance, such as computer vision. JavaScript is increasingly used for AI-based interactive user interfaces, and Scala is combined with Apache Spark for distributed data processing.

Lua is used as a scripting language in some machine learning frameworks.

Programming languages for video game development

The video game industry in Canada is becoming increasingly important. In 2024, there are 937 active studios in the country. A career as a computer developer in this field is therefore a real possibility in the next few years.

To get there, however, you need to be familiar with a variety of computer languages. The standard languages for game programmers are C and C++.

However, C#, Python, Java, and Lua are also interesting languages to learn for video game design.

What languages do you need to know to work in the IoT (Internet of Things)?

To work in the Internet of Things (IoT), the C language is required due to its wide use in embedded device programming. C++ is also important for its ability to efficiently manage resources and structure code in more complex IoT environments.

Python is often used for rapid prototyping, data analysis and user interface creation, while Java is preferred for distributed systems and Android applications in the IoT. JavaScript is useful for developing client-side applications and interactive user interfaces. Finally, Go is gaining in popularity due to its simplicity, performance and native multithreading support, making it suitable for distributed IoT applications and web services.

Which computer programming language should you learn?

If you're looking to learn a computer language on your own, choose a language that matches your professional goals, interests and job market demand. While Python and Java are a safe bet, Javascript is also very often requested in job offers.

Learn new programming languages to land your dream job

This article likely showed you how difficult it is to identify the most used programming languages.

Although the most popular ones can be roughly determined, each industry has different needs. If you want to become a developer, you need to learn the most used programming languages in the field you are interested in.

At Fed IT, we help every candidate find the job they need according to their career goals and personal and professional skills.

Contact us for more information on our services, or visit out website to see our current IT job offers.