Dernières news FED Supply

Coordinateur logistique fiche métier
Job description

Logistics coordinator job description

30 May 2023 • FED Supply • 5 min

Reverse logistics Fed Supply

What is reverse logistics and why is it important?

22 April 2023 • FED Supply • 7 min

Importation exportation Canada

Import and export business in Canada and Quebec

16 March 2023 • FED Supply • 5 min

La gestion de la relation client

Why is customer relationship management important?

20 February 2023 • FED Supply • 5 min

Job description

What Does a Buyer Do? Role, Tasks, Salary and Training

15 February 2023 • FED Supply • 5 min

Pourquoi travailler en logistique

Why work in logistics in Quebec?

25 January 2023 • FED Supply • 4 min

Definition de la logistique

What are the definitions and missions of logistics and transport?

16 December 2022 • FED Supply • 3 min


13 (+4) questions to ask a candidate in an interview

25 November 2022 • FED Supply • 9 min

agent service client
Job description

Job Description – What is a customer service agent?

25 November 2022 • FED Supply • 5 min


What are the jobs in logistic and transportation?

09 October 2022 • FED Supply • 5 min

métier répartiteur
Job description

Dispatcher job description

26 July 2022 • FED Supply • 2 min