Dernières news FED IT

Developpeur full stack
Job description

What is a full stack developer?

31 December 2022 • FED IT • 5 min

Ingenieur Logiciel
Job description

Software Engineer: job description

16 December 2022 • FED IT • 5 min

Métier architecte fonctionnel

Fed IT presents its yearly survey on the IT employment market

30 August 2022 • FED IT • 4 min

concepteur ux
Job description

UX designer job description

29 August 2022 • FED IT • 4 min

métier architecte cloud
Job description

Tout savoir sur le métier d’architecte Cloud au Québec

29 July 2022 • FED IT • 5 min

métier webmestre
Job description

Webmaster job description

14 July 2022 • FED IT • 5 min

job internet of things
Job description

Guide to the Internet of Things (IoT) profession in Quebec

04 July 2022 • FED IT • 6 min

étapes recrutement emploi informatique

What is the IT recruitment process?

04 July 2022 • FED IT • 5 min

comment recruter des developpeurs

How to Recruit Good Software Developers

09 May 2022 • FED IT • 8 min

femme pionnière informatique

10 Women Who Changed the Tech World

10 April 2022 • FED IT • 8 min

integrateur web
Job description

Web integrator job overview

27 January 2022 • FED IT • 4 min